Pokebird Original Paintings

Below are the Pokebird paintings available for sale!

All originals have sold, but I will update this page with new pokebirds for sale as I complete them!

Sold Paintings:

Corvisquire and Rookidee
Watercolor and gouache on cold-press watercolor paper, 9X12 inches.

Talonflame Portrait
Gouache on toned paper, 6X9 inches.

Articuno Portrait
Gouache on toned paper, 6X9 inches.

Silver Guardian: Lugia
Gouache on toned paper, 9X12 inches.

Watercolor on cold-press watercolor paper, 9X11 inches.

Pidgeot and Pidgey:
Watercolor on cold-press watercolor paper, 9X12 inches.

Watercolor on cold-press watercolor paper, 9X12 inches.

Fearow and Spearow:
Watercolor on cold-press watercolor paper, 9X12 inches.

Watercolor on cold-press watercolor paper, 9X12 inches.

Watercolor on cold-press watercolor paper, 9X12 inches.