Original Artwork for Sale

Below are the original paintings currently for sale.
Shipping is included for U.S. orders! For international orders - please select the 'international shipping' option in the dropdown menu, or contact me after purchase. This will factor international shipping in for your order.
This page will be updated with new original paintings as they become available!

October Ink - White Crowned Hornbill
Ink and ink washes on gray mixed media paper, 9X12 inches.

October Ink - Red Panda/Run
Ink and ink washes on tan mixed media paper, 9X12 inches.

Aialik Peninsula I
Watercolor on cold-press paper, 8X8 inches.
Artwork + Shipping

Bird Whisperer Project - Ural Owl
Watercolor on cold-press paper, 8X8 inches.
Artwork + Shipping
Would you like a white mat? (U.S. only)

Ink, watercolor and gouache on cold-press paper, 8X10 inches.
Artwork + Shipping

Gyrfalcon in Ink
Ink on Bristol, 5X7 inches.
Matting Option

Sold Pieces:

If interested in prints of the below pieces, please contact me at brendamlyons@hotmail.com

Scruffy Youngster (Barn Swallow)
Gouache on toned paper, 9X12 inches.

Red Eyes
Ink and ink washes on Bristol paper, 8X10 inches.

Labradorite Wings - Necklace and Wallhanging
Hand-carved leather with a labradorite cabochon, beads, and painted with acrylics.

The Ancient and Arcane
Ink on Rives BFK paper, 5X7 inches.

Ink on Bristol paper, 5X5 inches inches.

Cloud Painter
Ink on Bristol paper, 5X5 inches inches.

The Queen in Gold
Ink and watercolor on cold-press watercolor paper, 7X10 inches.

Respite - Northern Goshawk
Ink on Bristol, 11X14 inches.

Falcon Ink I
Ink and ink washes, 5 X 7 inches, matted to 8 X 10 inches.

Yellow Eyes - Study
Ink and ink washes, 9X12 inches.

Golden Eagle I
Ink and ink washes, 5.5 X 7 inches, matted to 8 X 10 inches.

Path of Stars
Scratchboard, 9X12 inches.

Young Hunter
Ink on Bristol, 5X7 inches.

Mantling Peregrine
Ink on Bristol, 9X12 inches.

Ink and watercolor on cold-press paper, 8X8 inches.

Scratchboard Goshawk
Ampersand Scratchbord (Masonite board with white clay and black ink layer), 9X12 inches

Bird Whisperer Project - Eurasian Magpie
Watercolor on soft-press 300lb Fabriano paper, 8X10 inches.

Red Flash
Gouache on toned paper, 9X9 inches.

Falcon Study in Gouache
Gouache on toned paper, 5X7 inches in an 8X10 inch white mat.

Ink and gouache on toned paper, 9X12 inches.

Young Red-Tailed Hawk
Colored pencil, white charcoal and gouache on toned paper, 5X7 inches. In an 8X10 inch white mat.